Helena Prieto’s Blog

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Learning objects – review Novembro 12, 2009

Filed under: ppel — helenaprieto @ 6:18 pm
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Learning objects are products made with the help of internet tools and they aim to present a learning content. There are many types of learning objects we can produce. User friendly software applications enable us to be creative and present content in a more appealing and motivating way. Some learning objects can also be created in a collaborative form. I’ve choosen two learning objects:
Marco Freitas and Maria de Lurdes’ learning object:

Pedro Teixeira’s learning object:

Marco Freitas and Maria de Lurdes’ learning object aims to present the advantages and gains in fostering cooperative freedom in learning communities placing particular emphasis on transparency in cooperative learning. They argue in favour of the pedagogical value of transparency as a plus to achieve a high and rewarding level of coopeartive work/learning gains both in social and individual levels, since affinity ( another key word in this presentation) also promotes additional and valuable sources of information which can be very rich and motivating.

Learning partners, cooperative learning catalogues, cooperative learner profile, cooperative assessment , cooperative evaluation and quality barometres and personal tools are instrumental and play a crucial role in supporting and promoting affinity. I Really enjoyed this video and the way the authors organized their presentation. there is a unifying theme – transparency in cooperative learning – and a very well structured and balanced presentation.

This learning object develops the theme and presents it in a kind of lesson format where voice and written information complete each other very well.

The written information helps visualizing and focus attention on the key points and makes it more appealing and easy to follow . I’ve noted one or two things that might be improved though: one is to include the name of the authors in the oral presentation and also the name of the author of the theory of cooperative freedom. the second one is a break in the flow or rhythm of speech. there is an unfinished sentence that sounds a bit strange when introducing the slide referring to cooperative learning catalogues.

Altogehter it is a very nicelly done learning object. In fact it is more than a learning object it is a lesson.

Pedro Teixeira’s learning object is also a video through which key aspects of the theory of cooperative freedom are pinpointed.

The words, phrases and whole sentences sellected are emphasized because they apear isolated from their original context. The pictures to match are well chosen and illustrative. They add rhythm to the presentation and help the viewer to focus attention on these key ideas/concepts.

It’s a very “minimal” and clean way of presenting the theory using advertising techniques. I think this video works very well and serves the intentions of the author.

I would change the back ground colours though. Too electric


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